

The school is using SMART technology. SMART is the abbreviation for Self-directed, Motivated, Adaptive, Resource-enriched, and Technologies-embedded. All the classrooms are provided with SMART Boards. The interactive SMART Board has a touch-controlled screen that works in conjunction with a projector and a computer. The interactive board turns a typical classroom into a fun learning environment. It enriches classrooms in several ways by providing hands on collaboration and creating the perfect learning setting.Interactive whiteboards allow many different forms of media – including photos, illustrations, maps, graphs, games, and video, to be displayed. These tools not only enrich the classroom experience but also help to expand the nature of content that can be used in learning. In addition, SMART Boards makes learning to be more dynamic owing to the different forms of presenting information. SMART Boards provide new ways for teachers to teach, and student to learn. The interactive nature of SMART boards offers learners an opportunity to share and participate in the instructional process. SMART boards allow for integration of various technologies in order to improve the learning experience. Interactive boards are also environmentally friendly.